Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Rotatividade de pessoal estudo de caso na 1ª Vara Federal de Cruz Alta
Pedroso, Daiana Sobroza
The individuals are essential for the development of the organizations. In any sphere, either
public or private, only through the people it is possible to reach the established objectives.
However, in every organization there is a level of entrance and resignation of employees. In
this context, the instability of the personal staff is a matter of extreme relevance. The current
study has as a general goal to identify, in the 1st Federal Court of Cruz Alta, if there is a
turnover among the technician servants and the judiciary analysts. Concerning the specific
goals, it aims to measure the level of turnover of the staff and verify the data and perceptions
about the instability effects of the personal staff in relation to the working routines. It is about
an exploratory descriptive study, in a way that, for the measurement of human resources
turnover, it was applied the proposed formula by Chiavenato (Turnover Rate = Resignation/
average staff in the period x 100). Additionally, the collection of data in the administrative
records of the institution was carried out. The results obtained indicate that the turnover
occurs on a regular basis, presented the highest rates of turnover in the years 2006 and 2007.
Still, it was possible to infer that the instability of human resources staff affected the working routines.