Psicanálise e justiça no juizado de violência doméstica
Silva, Anniele Rosinski da
This dissertation aims to reflect on the discourse and the context in which women are
inserted in the Domestic Violence Court, articulating psychoanalytical concepts with the
legal texts relevant to judicial action to understand the actions that seek to protect women in
situations of violence. Violence against women is described as any form of violence
committed within the family context, be it physical, sexual, psychological, moral or
patrimonial of the aggressor towards the woman, and has been considered as a complex
problem that requires an approach that It involves different areas of knowledge, such as law
and psychology. The dissertation is structured in two works, a book chapter and an article.
The first work, a chapter in a book, places Law's role in addressing violence against women
based on the guidelines and bodies created by Law 11.340/2006 known as the Maria da
Penha Law, highlighting the performance of the Domestic Violence Court, and then present
a report of experience with a description of the daily functioning of a Domestic Violence
Court located in a city in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as the possibilities
of contribution of Psychology in the theoretical-practical perspective of psychoanalysis, to
confront violence against the woman in that court. The second work, an article presents the
results of a research that aimed to know the history of three women who suffered violence
and had an ongoing process in the Domestic Violence Court. We sought to understand how
these women mean violence, what position they occupy in relation to the violence suffered
and what responsibilities they assume as subjects of their own experiences. The women's life
story was accessed through individual interviews and were analyzed from the psychoanalytic
theory, revealing the importance that women can report and resignify about their experiences
to produce subjective changes necessary to face the situations of domestic violence. In
conclusion, the influence of the sexist and patriarchal culture is expressed in the production
of subjectivity of men and women and in the increasing domestic violence, and it is essential
to expand the possibilities of ethical, social and political confrontation of these issues.