Contribuições ao controle aplicado a uma topologia híbrida para regulação de tensão em geradores de indução autoexcitados
Tischer, Celso Becker
This doctoral thesis presents contributions to control applied to hybrid topology
for voltage regulation of self-excited induction generators in stand-alone microgeneration
systems. The generator system considers a three-phase bus composed by a distribution
static synchronous compensator (DSTATCOM), excitation capacitors bank and switchable
capacitor banks connected in parallel to electrical power supply system. The switchable
capacitor banks provides the most part of the reactive power for system and the
DSTATCOM is controlled to provide the difference between the reactive power supplied
by excitation capacitors bank and reactive power required by induction generator and
aggregated loads, besides to compensate harmonic component of non-linear loads. To
accomplish that, a control strategy performed by a dual loop is proposed, two inner current
loop is composed by proportional-resonant controllers and two outer voltage loop
composed by proportional-integral controllers. Furthermore, in this work, the frequency
control is performed by an electronic load (ELC) connected to the AC bus system through
non-controlled three-phase rectifier. An algorithm to control as well as the design
procedure for switchable capacitor banks is presented. Simulation and experimental results
are presented to demonstrate the performance of the current, voltage and frequency
controllers and the operation response of switchable capacitor banks.