dc.contributorMello, Débora Teixeira de
dc.creatorSathres, Silviani Monteiro
dc.description.abstractCurrently all levels of basic education in Brazil have undergone changes in their structures with the implementation of new educational policies, however, shows that these are not always legitimated in everyday school life. In this regard, the issue of this monographic study focuses on knowing how they are being implemented the National Curriculum for Early Childhood Education (DCNEIs) established by Resolution No. 5/2009, the daily life of an early childhood education center in Santa Maria/RS. It is this relevant research, by providing a look at the public policies for Early Childhood Education, bringing reflections on educational management in macro and micro spheres, which contributes significantly to the training of experts in Educational Management. Therefore, the overall goal is: Identify how the DCNEIs are being implemented in a Preschool in Santa Maria/RS from dialogue with teachers who work in financial management and teaching in kindergarten. Thus, the specific objectives are: Analyze the daily school the possibilities for change that brings DCNEIs deployment of teachers' pedagogical practices in the conduct of management and teaching in kindergarten and identify elements that demonstrate a possible legitimization of the DCNEIs school routine. To address these objectives has become essential to know the specific public policies to the level of early childhood education and also perform a search based on qualitative, involving teachers in action in teaching and management in Early Childhood Education. Therefore, it was observed regarding the legitimacy of DCNEIs at school, through dialogue with teachers who work in teaching, which in relation to teaching practices in the classroom changes are in process, as those who work in management, refer that discussions regarding DCNEIs and overhaul of school documents are happening gradually, while the municipal school management also is organizing to address the DCNEIs.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectPolíticas públicas e educação
dc.subjectEducação infantil
dc.subjectDiretrizes curriculares nacionais nº5/2009
dc.subjectPublic policy and education
dc.subjectEarly childhood education
dc.subjectNational curriculum guidelines nº5/2009
dc.titleUm olhar sobre as políticas públicas para a educação infantil : a inserção das diretrizes curriculares nacionais para a educação infantil n°5/2009 no cotidiano escolar de uma EMEI
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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