Mensurando a qualidade de vida multidimensional nos municípios do Paraná
Kruger, Rayssa Vieira
Developing indicators related to quality of life through different approaches contributes to the understanding of the reality of a certain set of individuals. The State of Paraná, in turn, has regional differences represented by socioeconomic indicators. In this way, this dissertation sought to investigate how the conditions of socioeconomic reproduction contribute to the quality of life of residents in the municipalities of Paraná through two complementary scientific articles. In the first article, the measurement and analysis of quality of life took place through the construction of a quality of life index elaborated through multivariate statistics and exploratory analysis of spatial data (AEDE). Secondary data from the years 2000 and 2010 were used to develop this indicator and 19 variables were observed, which were distributed in four dimensions, namely: Housing conditions, Health, Education, Income and employment. In the second article, the analysis deepens reflections on living conditions through a case study. For that, the socioeconomic conditions of the residents of the municipality of Laranjeiras do Sul (PR) were evaluated, focusing on subjective issues of quality of life, in order to compose a Fuzzy Quality of Life Index (IFQV), built based on data collected in a sample of 67 households. Among the results, the quality of life of Paraná's residents with a focus on available resources and objective factors is heterogeneous and there are low-low standard clusters in some regions of the state, such as the Center of Paraná, thus indicating areas that need policy implementation. promote regional and human development. In addition, the standard Alto - Alto clusters showed concentrations of municipalities with high quality of life accompanied by a greater degree of development. In the second article, the subjective approach provided the understanding that what determines the quality of life is not only the material aspects, but all the social interaction, the historical context and the culture that surround the individuals. Thus, it was found that most of the sample considers that the level of quality of life is very high, considering aspects associated with education, basic services, health, housing and income, so that the housing dimension has the highest average among the sub-indices.