dc.contributorHendler, Bruno
dc.creatorFahl, Andrei Arthur
dc.description.abstractThis work proposes to analyze the use of hybrid warfare in Brazil, understanding the conditions, reasons, tools and tensions that led to the hybrid conflict in the country and the influence and interests of the United States of America in the success of the phenomenon. It is defined as the central hypothesis of the work that the rise of Brazil as a regional and global power, in economic and geopolitical matters, raised a potential threat signal for the United States, which consequently applied hybrid warfare tactics in the country with the purpose of containing the rise of Brazil and of preserving its strategic interests in the ambit of South America. As a theoretical reference, the definitions of Frank Hoffman and Andrew Korybko are used to understand the phenomenon of hybrid warfare, defining it as the new conflict of the 21st century, where regular and irregular tools are used to apply an indirect conflict in order to provoke a regime change in the target State, changing its political paradigm to align with the strategic interests of the aggressor State. In the work, the case of Brazil is analyzed, considering that recent political events in the country are shown as expressions of the tools of hybrid warfare, which can be identified through the color revolution, with the co-option of popular demonstrations of the Jornadas de Julho 2013 that caused political instability for the country's authorities; and the application of lawfare, through the instrumentalization of Operation Car Wash, which generated legitimacy for the purposes of hybrid warfare and established a state of disorientation and ambiguity in the political structure and institutions of the country. In this context, the hybrid war generates a regime change in the Brazilian government, with the deposition of the Workers' Party from the left spectrum and the rise of a new regime from the right spectrum, which results in a change in Brazil's political paradigm that aligns national interests with the strategic interests of the United States. The following question is defined as a guiding problem for the work: How did the United States employ the phenomenon of hybrid warfare in Brazil and what was the effect of the phenomenon on recent national political processes? The research of this work was developed through the hypothetical-deductive method and qualitative research, seeking to carry out a bibliographic, theoretical and documental review on the elements developed in the work. The structuring of maps of political phenomena that analyze their impacts and consequences on civil society, as proposed in this conclusion work, proves to be fundamental for understanding the reality where we find ourselves, the reformulation of the national political structure, and helps us to devise new possible solutions. for political-social problems found in Brazil and Latin America.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectGuerras híbridas
dc.subjectRevoluções coloridas
dc.subjectRelações Estados Unidos e Brasil
dc.subjectHybrid wars
dc.subjectColor revolutions
dc.subjectUnited States and Brazil relations
dc.titleGuerras híbridas no Brasil: interferência externa indireta nos processos políticos nacionais no século XXI
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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