Controle ressonante aplicado a um DSTATCOM para a regulação de tensão de geradores de indução autoexcitados
Souza, Carlos Antonio de
This master’s thesis presents contributions to the control applied to the voltage regulation of autonomous
microgeneration systems based on Self-Excited Induction Generators (SEIGs). The
generation system consists of a three-phase four-wire bus consisting of a Static Synchronous
Distribution Compensator (DSTATCOM), excitation capacitor banks for induction generator
connected in parallel with the three-phase bus. DSTATCOM provides the compensation of reactive
power to the system through a control strategy in order to provide the difference between
the reactive power provided by the excitation capacitors and the reactive power required by the
generator itself and the aggregate loads, in addition to compensating for harmonic components
from nonlinear loads and compensating for imbalances caused by load connections in distinctive
configurations. The mathematical modeling processes of the system and design of the voltage
controllers are demonstrated. For this, the control strategy consists of six loops, three internal
current loops, using a set of derivative resonant proportional controllers and three external
loops, containing integral proportional controllers and associated resonant controllers. Simulation
and experimental results are presented to demonstrate the dynamic performance of current
and voltage controllers. It has also demonstrate the viability of the control system proposed
to DSTATCOM, being possible to regulate the voltage and reduce the harmonic content of the
currents and voltages of the SEIG in order to meet the values recommended by IEEE 519-2014