Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Reflexões sobre o desenvolvimento a partir do NVivo: as práticas comunicacionais e o desenvolvimento rural na 4ª Colônia
2017-12-12Registro en:
DUTRA, F. F. Reflexões sobre o desenvolvimento a partir do NVivo: as práticas comunicacionais e o desenvolvimento rural na 4ª Colônia. 2017. 50 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Relações Públicas) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2017.
Dutra, Fernanda Ferreira
This experimental project seeks, through the software for qualitative research NVivo, to map how the communication flows and relationships influence the rural development in the 4ª Colônia of Italian and German Immigration. For this reflection we will use authors such as Sérgio Schneider, Amartya Sen and Arilson Favaretto, who deal with development from a social, not economic, perspective, as is usually treated. The methodology will be developed in topics, because we understand that this way simplifies the reader's understanding of the use of the software. At the end of this work, it was possible to perceive that development is measured through economic factors and without considering the needs of the community inserted in the region. At this point, we see a port of call for Public Relations and its strategic role in building more efficient communication practices.