Subsídios para o manejo integrado de Oncideres impluviata (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) em Acacia mearnsii De Wild
Pedron, Leandra
This study was developed with the objective of qualifying and quantifying the damage caused
by Oncideres impluviata in Acacia mearnsii, as well as verifying the potential use of
entomopathogenic fungi in the biological control of the insect. Two articles were presented, the
first referring to the influence of the attack of Oncideres impluviata on the volume of Acacia
mearnsii trees and the second evaluating the pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana and
Metarhizium anisopliae in the control of Oncideres impluviata with different fungal isolates.
The results of this study can help with the Integrated Management of Oncideres impluviata in
Acacia mearnsii plantations