Integração curricular e trabalho pedagógico: uma análise com base nos discursos de professores do IFFar Campus Júlio de Castilhos
Siqueira, Sílvia de
This dissertation is part of the education and work theme, in the LP1 Research Line: Policies and Management in Professional and Technological Education of the Graduate Program in Professional Education of the Colégio Técnico Industrial de Santa Maria - CTISM / UFSM. It was carried out within the scope of Kairós - Study and Research Group on Labor, Education and Public Policies. It started from the following problematization: based on the speeches of professors at the Júlio de Castilhos Campus, does the curricular integration in Vocational and Technological Education in High School integrated into the Technical Course in Agriculture at the Federal Farroupilha Institute present demands for pedagogical work? The general objective of this research was to analyze, from the speeches of teachers, the extent to which curricular integration in Vocational and Technological Education in Secondary Education integrated into the Technical Course in Agriculture at the Federal Farroupilha Institute, Campus: Júlio de Castilhos presents demands for Pedagogical Work. This major objective was broken down into specific objectives: 1) To present the historicity of the curricular proposals for Professional and Technological Education; 2) Investigate how curricular policies for EFA produce meanings of curricular integration and impact the pedagogical work of teachers; 3) Produce data on curricular integration, based on the selection of academic production from the repositories of theses and dissertations of the main institutions of Higher Education that offer Postgraduate courses in Rio Grande do Sul; 4) Discursively analyze the data produced and its relation (s) and demands for the teachers' pedagogical work, based on the speech of these subjects. Under the methodological perspective, the preparation of the dissertation resulted from a study organized in the following phases: 1) study in productions (texts in periodicals and books) on curriculum, integrated curriculum and EFA; 2) analysis of the movements of meanings in dissertations in postgraduate studies in Rio Grande do Sul on the subject; 3) elaboration of arguments based on these studies; 4) analysis of these arguments, having as reference, once again, the Analysis of Movements of Senses, methodological elaboration of the research group in which we work; 5) systematization in the form of writing this text. Pedagogical work is the amalgam that allows the integration of the curriculum, but goes further, it enables the production of knowledge by the subjects of the school. And this requires knowing the concepts of curriculum and integration in depth, visualizing and understanding its historicity, conditions of production. Thus, it is possible to choose, to move pedagogically in order to produce knowledge with students, transcending the highly publicized specialized “workforce preparation”, proposing an education for and through work, in a responsible and conscious manner. Regarding curricular integration, it was observed that, in the researched institution, the same happens, whether in a punctual, fragmented and / or isolated way in the individual space, classroom space, in the discipline, teachers, student, or in the relationship among peers in the same area of knowledge, or within projects, for example Integrated Professional Project. For the purposes of the analysis, it was considered that the interlocutors work in the same pedagogical context, in an institution with the proposal of vertical education, and in which the centrality is the integrated curriculum.