Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise das manifestações patológicas em uma edificação residencial na fase de execução iniciando a fase de acabamentos – Estudo de caso
Pereira, Mayara
Nowadays, more and more quality and speed in construction processes are demanded. A search for safe structures that present stetic and comfort to users. To achieve these objectives, it is necessary to have a good project design, a good work management, a qualified professional who guarantees the execution according to the project, a qualified workforce, use of materials with quality standards, these are essential measures to obtain a good constructive performance. Aware of this, the present work aims, through the elaboration of a case study, to address the main flaws that may occur in the construction process, in order to study their causes and problems that they can generate, since once having knowledge of the origin of the pathology, it becomes easier to take a preventive measure in order to avoid it.
The present study provided greater knowledge in order to know how to recognize a pathological problem, and to associate it with its possible cause. Making it possible to recognize its origin, and to analyze preventive or corrective measures of constructive failures.