A formação inicial em educação física na UFSM: a lei 10.639/03 em uma abordagem intercultural
Messias, Andressa Rodrigues
The present study analyzed the initial training in Physical Education, specifically the
undergraduate course at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). The
research proposal aims to understand, taking as reference Law 10.639 / 03, as the
initial training in Physical Education Degree of UFSM, is manifesting the necessary
bases to face the challenge of interculturality in the educational process. With
emphasis on cultural diversity, particularly ethnic-racial diversity, an important aspect
of teacher education, which imposes on educators the approach of African, Afro-
Brazilian and indigenous history and culture in primary and secondary education. It
adopts the perspective of historical-dialectical materialism, as a theoretical and
methodological reference and as techniques of analysis, bibliographical revision and
documentary analysis. At the end of the study, we find that today Law 10.639 / 03 is
not yet effectively fulfilled. Failure to comply with this law corroborates the history of
Africa not counted in Brazil, which means that we do not have black references in the
sciences; in the arts; in politics and in many other areas of knowledge recorded in
textbooks used in primary and higher education schools. This reality further reinforces our culture of discrimination and ethnic racial prejudice.