dc.contributorKonrad, Glaucia Vieira Ramos
dc.creatorWitkowski, Alexsandro
dc.description.abstractThe central objective of the investigation is to understand the deformities of culturalpolitically conscience of the common citizen before the archives, fact that we realize in the present because of the deep-rooted cultural question in a still present repressive past. Looking to identify the cultural question and the common sense about the archive doing, as well as identify the concept of citizenship and compare it with the right of access of the common citizen to the informations in the Brazilian public archives, we question: even being a constitutional guarantee, why is the access to the Brazilian archives so ineffective or often denied, producing in the citizen a distorted vision about the political, social and cultural paper of the archives? Historically the governments, in all his spheres, do not implement properly the political public arquivistics or do not do it in a way of constituting a project that could be made real effectively. The Military-Civil Blow of 1964 teased in a culture social-politically still more reined before the authoritarianism, provoking difficulties for the citizen in the search for informations, regarding his rights and others informations that could interest him. The mark storm is situated between the draft of the first National System of Archives (SINAR), in 1962, the project of implementation of 1978, during the process of “slow, gradual and safe” opening of the military government, and the subsequent period with the production and contemporary experiences. As for the approach methodology qualitative, it will make use of the inductive method like strategy of construction of the text and as proceeding methodology the comparative form will be used. These methodologies become necessary to induce the reader to do a connection of ideas before data that will be analysed in the comparative form. The results are partial, but necessary in order to advance in the studies on the reality of the archives and in the production of new works and works that could give visibility to the historical inquiry in primary fountains, contributing in the advancement on the reflection and on the discussion on the public policies and the systems to the archives. The actions suggestions (for legislation, public policies, systems, marketing, educative actions, etc.) long to contribute to new and future works and / or actions that put in practice the management in archives in it’s three ages: current, intermediary and constant. We hope the informations and suggestions presented in this work can stimulate actions that wake reflections on the damages we suffer with the inefficiency of our current bureaucracy for the public policies archive.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectAcesso à informação
dc.subjectPolíticas públicas
dc.subjectGestão em arquivos
dc.subjectAccess to the information
dc.subjectPublic policies
dc.subjectManagement in archives
dc.titleA cidadania e o (não) acesso às informações: a questão cultural e a situação do fazer arquivístico ontem e hoje (1962-2010)
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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