Análise do conversor DAB utilizando modulação triple phase shift com algoritmo de otimização e circuito de auxílio à comutação
Costa, Pablo Fernando Soardi
With the growth of the use of renewable sources for the generation of electric energy, the
systems of distribution and transmission of energy have been going through significant
changes. As the photovoltaic and wind renewable generation sources are currently more
prominent, the systems must become more robust with regard to the intermittence of these
sources. For this reason, the insertion of energy storage systems (Energy Storage Systems
- ESS) to assist in the stability of the system has been widespread nowadays. However,
for energy storage systems to be used, there is a need to interface with the rest of the
system. For this to become possible, power electronics have a fundamental role through
static power converters. In these applications, the Dual Active Bridge (DAB) converter
has gained a lot of attention from researchers. Thus, this Thesis presents the analysis of
the DAB converter when subjected to Phase-Shift Modulation (PSM) and Triple Phase
Shift (TPS) modulations. TPS modulation adds new degrees of freedom in DAB converter
operation compared to PSM modulation by introducing the duty cycle on the primary
Full-Bridge (D1) and secondary Full-Bridge (D2) in addition to the phase-shift angle ( )
between transformer primary and secondary voltages. Thus, the behavior of the converter
can be evaluated for the entire power range for different operating points with TPS.
Making use of TPS, the most efficient choice of operating points can be defined, taking into
account the apparent circulating power of the converter, which can provide a reduction in
commutation and conduction losses. In order to achieve higher efficiencies, determining
an optimized control trio (D1, D2 and ) for each operating point becomes necessary.
For this, a search algorithm is proposed that uses as a figure of merit the relationship
between the active output power and the total apparent power of the converter, called
Power Factor (PF). In addition, several switching aid circuits (CAC) are analyzed, since
the DAB converter operates without soft switching for low loads, in addition to having
low efficiency at these operating points. As a result, switching aid circuitry is used to
extend the soft-switching range of the DAB converter. Thus, a proposal for a topological
variation of the DAB converter is presented with the insertion of a CAC, which will operate
at the low output load points of the converter and where the gain d of the converter is
greater than one (d > 1). The behavior of the DAB converter with the TPS modulation
determined by the proposed algorithm and with the proposed CAC are validated through
a prototype with a nominal power of 500 W.