Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
A gestão das práticas pedagógicas e a articulação do brincar nos tempos e espaços da escola de educação infantil: um olhar sobre o autismo
Pereira, Eliane Bianchin
The central theme of this research is pedagogical management and playing as a
pedagogical practice proposed to children with autism in early childhood education.
The general objective was to understand how play is articulated in the pedagogical
proposals for children with autism in Early Childhood Education. And the specifics: to
analyze whether the pedagogical management of the school enhances playing as a
pedagogical tool in the inclusion of children with autism and to verify how playing is
contemplated in the opinions and plans of care for children with autism in an early
childhood school. The methodology used to approach the theme was the case study,
through documentary research. First, it was intended to analyze plans and
pedagogical opinions, however, in the plans, playing was not present, so only the
opinions were analyzed. Playing is constitutive of the subject, through which the child
expresses himself, so it was possible to verify that it is essential that he be thought of
as a pedagogical practice. When it comes to early childhood education, it is essential
that pedagogical management articulate playing as a pedagogical practice,
conducting efforts, resources and actions that promote learning and / or the
resumption of the constitution of the child with autism. In some cases, playing is
impoverished, so the intervention of the teacher becomes of great value since the
teacher is the anchoring of the child at school. Further studies with this approach are
suggested, enabling professionals in the field to make sure of their importance in the
child's trajectory, and how playing interferes in the constitution and structuring of