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Influência dos parâmetros de impressão 3D na resistência à tração de corpos de prova impressos em PLA utilizando modelagem por fusão e deposição
Ambrós, Guilherme Silva
he 3D Printing process also known as Additive Manufacturing is used in the manufacture of prototypes and parts using the material addition technique to construct the object, depending on the procedure adopted may present as a characteristic the excellent final dimensional quality of the part. To carry out the process it is necessary to define a project and elaborate it on a computer aided design platform (CAD), with the defined geometries the file in Surface Tesselation Lan-guage (STL) format can be sent for 3D printing. In the printing process it is possible to define the final characteristics of the part by means of printing parameters. It is known that by varying the printing parameters, you have parts and prototypes with different mechanical properties, which may or may not be beneficial in increasing the mechanical strength of the part. This research aims to analyze, quantitatively, the variation of tensile strength as a function of diffe-rent printing parameters in polylactic acid (PLA) printed parts and prototypes. The parameters studied are fill, wall thickness and height between layers. For the production of the specimens, a Cliever Pro Plus 3D printer with fused deposition modeling technology was used. For the tensile strength tests an EMIC DL-2000 universal testing machine was used. After defining and combining the parameters, a total of 27 different deposition conditions were reached. The di-mensions of the test bodies and performance of the tensile test followed the ASTM D 638-02a standard. As a result, it was possible to determine, quantitatively, the behavior of tensile stren-gth as a function of variation in printing parameters. It can be concluded that tensile strength increases with increasing padding, wall thickness and height between layers for PLA printed parts and prototypes.