Avaliação do desempenho do produto MSWEP no Rio Grande do Sul
Andres, Cácio Miranda
Precipitation is a meteorological variable with high spatial and temporal variability,
requiring a dense and homogeneous ground monitoring network. In Brazil, this is
challenging, due to resources scarcity for equipment implementation in suitable spatial
density. Thus, alternatives to observed data on earth's surface can be obtained from
Estimated Precipitation Databases (BDPE), which use information from alternative
sources to provide precipitation estimates in a grid format. The Multi-Source WeightedEnsemble Precipitation (MSWEP) is an example of alternative database, and like other
products, the estimated precipitation may be subject to detection and amount
uncertainties. In this work, the performance of MSWEP as an alternative source of
precipitation data in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) was evaluated. For this, data observed in
rainfall stations were used to identify the quality of MSWEP product through categorical
and quantitative indicators used as inference measures. Three spatial validation
approaches for MSWEP product were investigated, including the closest cell (CP) of
rainfall stations, arithmetic mean (MA) and inverse distance weighting interpolation
(IDW) of four closest cells. MSWEP product quality was investigated on a daily,
monthly, and seasonal basis. Different correction strategies to MSWEP data were
evaluated, and a set of correction coefficients was proposed. MSWEP product was
also investigated as a possible source for filling gaps in daily rainfall series observed
in rainfall stations. The results show MSWEP tends to underestimate precipitation
amounts. MA and IDW spatial validation approaches were more suitable in estimating
precipitation amounts, while CP approach provided better results in precipitation
detection. MSWEP provided greater uncertainties in estimating small amounts of daily
precipitation, notably up to 2 mm.day-1. In general, uncertainties were lower in July,
August and September, indicating better performance for winter months. Data
estimated by MSWEP also showed the potential to fill up to 50% of gaps in series of
rainfall stations. Results of data correction showed the use of correction coefficients
related to months of the year and specific periods of data series produced better
performance. The correction coefficients were spatialized in maps, which allows them
to be applied to any point in RS.