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Reanimação cérebro cárdiopulmonar em canino submetido a endoscopia - relato de caso e sobrevida do paciente
Dorneles, Fellipe de Souza
Cardiopulmonary arrest (CRP), defined by a sudden stop of spontaneous
ventilation and abrupt systemic circulation, is a lethal condition usually associated
with frequent morbidities in veterinary hospitals, which, with general anesthesia and
possible alterations associated with injuries, contribute to the occurrence of
Cardiorespiratory arrest, and critical care and prevention of post-CRP patients is of
great importance. The present report describes the case of a one year old Pitbull
dog, attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Santa Maria,
showing frequent vomiting, even after institution of treatment. Endoscopy was
requested as a method of gastrointestinal evaluation that, after anesthesia, a large
amount of foreign material was observed in the patient's stomach, procedures for
identification and removal of the material were initiated. At the end of the procedure,
the animal presented a respiratory arrest followed by a cardiorespiratory arrest, a fact
that we suspect of a vagal stimulation caused by the great traction of objects
withdrawal from the stomach, after stopping a series of maneuvers were performed
to reverse the condition, Culminating in success. Thus, this work has as main
objective, to report a successful brain-cardiopulmonary resuscitation (RCCP), to
discuss protocol, to discuss about what caused the shutdown and quality of life of
this patient currently.