dc.contributorCanha, Luciane Neves
dc.contributorPinheiro, Breno Carneiro
dc.contributorRangel, Camilo Alberto Sepúlveda
dc.contributorLima, Claudio Ribeiro
dc.contributorGarcia, Vinicius Jacques
dc.creatorSchmitz, William Ismael
dc.description.abstractHome energy management systems operating with storage systems in markets with differentiated tariff, should identify ideal solutions for transacting stored energy with the electricity grid, minimizing customer costs. On the other hand, in scenarios of power outage due to severe weather events, the stored energy can be an indispensable asset to maintain the supply of the load during the event. However, the use of energy stored by management systems in arbitrage processes, for example, can lead to a situation of low state of charge at a time when the priority is the uninterrupted service of the load. Thus, this thesis presents an innovative Home Energy Storage Management System (HESMS) that incorporates the dynamic characteristic of the state of charge of the storage and probabilistic of the interaction between the electrical system and the local meteorological condition, to predict a possible power outage and prepare local storage as a temporary backup system in the event’s eminence, thus contributing to the increase the home energy resilience. By incorporating a proprietary methodology into the system to carry out local power outage prediction due to severe weather events, a spatial and temporal assertiveness is obtained that allows the load to be serviced, seeking the minimum intervention in the daily use of the storage system. It is a system developed to operate with different types of storage technology, integrated with different energy management systems and in different geographic regions. In order to validate the proposed methodology, case studies with real meteorological and power outage data are implemented. The results demonstrate that the GAER system contributes to increase the home energy resilience with minimal interference in the standard operation of the storage system.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherEngenharia Elétrica
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica
dc.publisherCentro de Tecnologia
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectResiliência residencial
dc.subjectSistema de gerenciamento do armazenamento de energia
dc.subjectEventos meteorológicos severos
dc.subjectSistema de armazenamento de energia
dc.subjectHome resilience
dc.subjectHome energy storage management system
dc.subjectSevere weather events
dc.subjectEnergy storage system
dc.titleSistema de gerenciamento do armazenamento de energia residencial perante eventos meteorológicos severos

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