dc.contributorHillig, Clayton
dc.creatorWildner, Loreni Beatriz Arnold
dc.description.abstractThe company has experienced rapid and constant changes and increasingly faced with environmental problems of local character, but have worldwide reach. The destruction of forests, mining and large-scale burning of fossil fuels and indiscriminate use of products of chemical synthesis by human beings in power, in industry and agriculture are depleting natural resources, changing the natural cycle of nutrients and polluting the environments with the improper disposal of waste. These waste edible oil is indispensable in modern life, used widely in food preparation, which, when discarded improperly agent becomes highly pollutant. According to Braga (2007) a single gallon can contaminate up to one million liters of drinking water, which means enough water for a person to consume about 14 years of age or older. But often people, even when dealing with educators, have no knowledge about the level of pollution and degradation resulting from this agent. In this sense, a study was developed with a group of 32 professionals who work at the Municipal School Children Copetti Solange Ana, a member of the municipal school in the city of Ijuí RS. From interviews it was established that the forms of disposal adopted by the group vary, but 25% of the disposal group is improperly causing pollution in the environment. With such information, justified the actions of enlightenment and mobilization of pollution by oil, so it was promoted a talk with the secretary of the environment, followed by a soap-making workshop. The activities were intended to clarify doubts and especially environmental train multipliers in order to disseminate environmental information and promote engagement in the struggle for a healthy and balanced environment.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Rurais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectÓleo comestível
dc.subjectEdible oil
dc.titleReciclagem de óleo comestível e fabricação de sabão como instrumentos de educação ambiental
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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