dc.contributorUaska, Izabel Cristina
dc.creatorVicari, Rosangela Luiza
dc.description.abstractThis conclusion study has as subject School, Family and School Management, and general objective research on the importance of involving the family in the school for their children, helping in the teaching and learning of children in the first years of elementary school at Municipal Antonio Parreiras School, Tio Hugo-RS. To conduct this qualitative research was initially carried out a literature search, where in the first instance sought to describe a conception of learning, then about the importance of family in the development of the child, keeping in mind that is with the participation of the family that the child will feel more confident and happy, resulting in the optimization of learning. After was treated on the importance of the work of Democratic Administration, providing a collective work through a Democratic Political Pedagogical Project allowing for exchange. From the initial research dates were collected through interviews with parents and administrators. Data analysis based on Oliveira (2006), Macedo (2002), Paro (2000), Lück (2006), leads us to verify and confirm that the presence of parents in the school life of their children is extremely important for the success in learning and the work of teachers and school management needs to be improved with a view to new possibilities for closer parents of school.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectFamília x escola
dc.subjectGestão democrática
dc.subjectFamily x school
dc.subjectDemocratic management
dc.titleDesafio para a gestão democrática: aproximar os pais da escola
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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