Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
A vacina contra a Covid-19 na mídia australiana: análise da cobertura do portal de notícias 9News em meio à onda de desinformação sobre imunizantes
Vargas, Marina Teixeira
This work has as its theme the presence of disinformation in the media. In the context of journalistic coverage of the Covid-19 vaccination, whose communication landscape includes processes of infodemics, political polarisation and disinformation, the theme is delimited. The general objective is to analyse how the Covid-1 vaccination was presented by the Australian news digital portal 9News. The study has an exploratory character, both because it brings to the Brazilian research an analysis carried out from the perspective of the Australian media regarding the pandemic; but also by the intersection developed between the object and the theme of the journalistic media. In order to make the research viable, a qualitative approach is adopted and bibliographic research techniques are used, to support the topics discussed and documents, for the structuring and collection of the analysis corpus. The corpus of analysis consists of 214 headlines texts of the vaccination journalistic coverage carried out by 9News, published between January 2020 and June 2021. It is anchored in Grounded Theory (GT), in the perspective of Strauss and Corbin (2008) as a guiding theory that supports the adopted methodology, Content Analysis (CA) according to Bardin’s (1977) perspective. Among the other results, it was understood that the vaccination theme had a complete journalistic coverage, in which all stages of the process were reported and, because of this, different perceptions were observed in the headlines contents. As final considerations, it could be seen that 9News, when citing vaccination, did so mainly by promoting awareness of the subject. Thus, it can be inferred that 9News complies with what is described in its presentation on its official website, as it reinforced the idea that its journalists prefer to bring accurate and truly informative data than to be the first to report.