Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
O Google Earth como facilitador do ensino nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental em uma escola de Nova Palma- RS
Steffanello, Marinês Cargnin
The present article has developed itself from the activity “My Community. A Study with Google Earth”, carried out with students from the third and fourth years of Fundamental Teaching of Priest João Zanella School, in the interior of the Municipality of Nova Palma- RS, where we utilized the computer program Google Earth, for the completeness of the study of contents of Geography and History of the locality, through the referential found we evidenced a new social scenery in which there is appeared new requirements in all sectors, inclusively in the area of education, there is appearing with this the necessity of new methods of teaching and learning that favor the inclusion of teachers and students into the technological innovations. In the same way, it evidenced the popularization of technological tools as pedagogical instruments in the school environment, including here the program Google Earth. With the development of the activity it verified a better utilization on the students`part in the contents studied, as well as, a major motivation and participation in the classes.