Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Estudo dos fatores relacionados à cadeia produtiva da carne ovina e às preferências do mercado consumidor
Cezar, Alfredo Skrebsky
Brazil has favorable conditions for sheep farming in most of its territory, however the per capita consumption of sheep meat is low among Brazilian people. In addition, the sheep meat production chain is disorganized in the country, limiting the increase of the production scale and impairing its profitability. In this context, several factors can be identified as obstacles to the development of the National sheep industry, including those related to the habits and preferences of meat consumers. Thus, some issues have the potential to reduce an others to boost consumption. Therefore, it is essential that these characteristics are known allowing supply and demand adjustment; and also to stimulate the expansion of demand. The present study had the objectives of to use descriptive, graphical, comparison of frequencies, preference ordering, linear correlation and multiple linear regression statistical methods to search for relationships among habits and preferences of sheep meat consumers, aiming to identify consumption patterns, limitations and potential points to be addressed by the entities that form the sheep production chain, in order to expand the sheep meat participation in the market. The survey was carried out through interviews and consumers were approached in a place with large circulation of people and two supermarkets in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, totaling 310 participants. It was observed that the low levels of sheep meat consumption among the interviewed consumers were mainly related to restrictions on supply and access to the product, including the high prices practiced in the market. It was also possible to identify consumer preferences regarding the origin of the meat, the animal category, the breeding system and method of preparation of the product, which must be considered by the entities of the production chain to stimulate an increase in per capita consumption of sheep meat. In conclusion, it was observed that factors related to supply restrictions are among the main obstacles to be overcome to increase per capita consumption of sheep meat among interviewed people.