Heil humor: rir do nazismo é o melhor remédio. oder? humor antinazista e possíveis impactos no ensino de língua e cultura alemã
Porto Neto, Harry José do
This study is motivated by the interest of teaching German as a foreign language in
the Brazilian context, allied to political humor, specifically antinazi and antifascist
humor. Nowadays, in Germany, this kind of humor appears on movies as “Er ist
wieder da”, series, youtube channels, books, newspapers, also spread by the satiric
political party Die Partei via several media. Although laughing at Nazism might be
polemic, it can be educative. The objective of this study (with the aim of usage of
authentic texts to bring the cultural aspect of political humor in Germany) is, then, to
understand how authentic texts that ridicules Hitler, with antinazist humor can be
present in classes and in textbooks of German as foreign language, based on
opinions of experienced teachers of teaching of German culture and language. In
order to understand how humor works in different contexts, first I searched for
theories about laugh, carnivalization, humor and its social functions, as well previous
studies about political humor during the III Reich with the purpose of laugh at and
against Nazism. The analysis shows that political humor that ridicules Hitler and his
prejudicial ideologies can educate and point out the danger of a possible return of
fascism. Although this kind of humor is present on several German media, in the
nowadays society, it is not sufficiently explored in classes on Brazilian context,
unknown for the most, misunderstood, disapproved and still treated with prejudice by
institutions responsible for the teaching of German as foreign language.