Irmãs franciscanas em Santa Maria – RS: uma congregação de mulheres empreendedoras no ensino superior (1953-2018)
Brito, Luciana Souza de
This thesis was developed together with the Postgraduate and History Program, “Memory
and Heritage” research, with the title “Franciscan Sisters in Santa Maria - RS: A congregation
of women entrepreneurs in higher education (1953-2018).” Its general objective was to
understand and reconstruct the trajectory of the Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and
Christian Charity, from 1953 to 2018, marked by entrepreneurship in its performance in
higher education in Santa Maria. In other words, this investigation aimed to contribute to the
Social and Women's History, analyzing the path of a religious Congregation of women and its
entrepreneurial profile regarding the development of higher education in the municipality of
Santa Maria, RS. Documentary research (in textual, iconographic and journalistic
documents), bibliographic research, as well as interviews (oral history) and questionnaires
with professors, technical-administrative employees and Franciscan sisters were carried out.
From the sources studied, it was observed that the Franciscan Sisters played a leading and
entrepreneurial role in the creation and development of higher education in Santa Maria,
based on the concept of educational institutions under the management of the Congregation
itself, but also acting decisively for the constitution of the University of Santa Maria. Thus, it is
concluded that these women, who belong to a religious Congregation in Santa Maria, since
the beginning sought to innovate, accepting risks and knowing how to value the availability of
human and financial resources in order to modify the economic and social context of Santa
Maria. They started this process in a more reserved way with elementary education, creating
bases for a more expressive and significant performance in higher education. The creation of
Institutions managed by the Congregation such as the Immaculate Conception Philosophy,
Science and Language School (FIC), Our Lady Mediatrix Nursing School (FACEM), both in
1955; the unification of these into Franciscan Colleges (FAFRA), in 1995; the transformation
into a Franciscan University Center (UNIFRA) in 1998, and finally its transformation into a
Franciscan University (UFN) in 2018. It all points out a trajectory of dedication and work in
favor of higher education. And in this context, it is also necessary to highlight the role of the
Franciscan Sisters in the creation of the Federal University of Santa Maria (USM / UFSM) in
1960, due to the fact that FIC and FACEM were aggregate institutions, they were
fundamental to the possibility of creating and growing the USM / UFSM. Moreover, the
Franciscan Sisters acted at different times at USM / UFSM, contributing to its expansion and
solidification. This way, it was concluded that the educational context of Santa Maria was
strongly influenced and modified by the Franciscan Sisters’ performance, in which women
with an entrepreneurial profile have been successfully working with higher education.