Patrimônio paleontológico e acessibilidade: uma proposta expositiva de fósseis do Triássico Sul-Brasileiro para deficientes visuais
Silveira, Márcia Talita Ivo da
This work discusses the accessibility of the paleontological heritage for the visually impaired people at Rio Grande do Sul State (RS), in order to facilitate its knowledge and importance. Laws (municipal, state and federal), norms and guide for museums and cultural spaces ensure that all visitors, regardless of their physical or mental limitations, can access all areas and exhibitions without difficulty, independently and autonomously, guaranteeing the promotion of culture. For this reason, I propose the modification of the way of the paleontological contents are exhibited in museums at RS, in order to improve the heritage learning for visually impaired people. The methodology consists onthe selection of fossils found at the Triassic of RS, the generation of three-dimensional models (3D) and then, the 3D printing of these models with scale adjustment and suitability for tactile interaction, as well as the respective Braille legends. The importance of this work is due to the scarcity of tactile paleontological materials that aid in the heritage learning for visually impaired people. Thus, it is necessary to produce new contents and new ways of communicating about the importance of heritage, in order to promote a true inclusive society.