Consciência histórica e transformações sociais: narrativas autobiográficas e o exercíco da cidadania através das aulas de história
Cassanta, Lucas Dalfolo
This work sought to establish plausible concepts of citizenship, linked to the teaching of
history. It was tried to clarify the concept of citizenship, through speeches of the most varied,
and even through the Brazilian legislation that brings in its text exhaustively the term, without
giving it a concrete definition. Through the present work it is possible to perceive that
education, and especially the teaching of history, has been at the forefront of the formation of
conscious citizens of themselves, and of their place in time and space and, therefore, the
process of historical awareness of students in the classroom, in the final years of elementary
school, acquires a fundamental character to understand how the teaching process is
transforming the reality in which it is inserted. As legal definitions exist in the education
landscape, the research brings the discussion about the curriculum, seeking to clarify broad
concepts, such as the very meaning of curriculum, and also current issues such as discussions
about the National Curricular Common Base, demonstrating the occurrence of advances and
regressions with respect to the national standardization specifically of the teaching of history.
Methodologically, the application and analysis of autobiographical narratives as training
devices was developed in the search for students' understanding of their historical action and
the perception of themselves and of others as constituents of society. The researcher's
perception also appears in this process of the construction of the autobiographical narratives
of the students, in the analysis phase of the narratives and their interpretation, being clear, in
this way, the dialectical character fostered by the constituent praxis of the whole process. In
the end, the work proposes a workshop on autobiographical narratives, to be applied with
teachers already trained and in training, in order to demonstrate the methodological
possibilities of the narratives themselves and their applicability. The research thus launches a
very favorable view to the use of autobiographical narratives as training devices in elementary
school final years, which brings relevant contribution to the concept of historical education,
history being as a curricular component, a necessary tool for the training of students in basic