Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Protótipo de automação residencial para tecnologia assistiva utilizando reconhecimento de voz e controle através de aplicativo móvel
Moura, Guilherme Gianluppi
This project proposes the development of a home automation device responsible for controlling domestic equipment and interacting with people with physical disabilities within an environment through voice command, and providing the user with an interface through an application. This study identified the attribution of assistive technology in a residential environment (difficulties, inclusion and accessibility) in people with physical disabilities. The performance of this prototype in the face of the different complications presented in individuals who have motor disabilities, such as the activation of household items from a voice command and/or application on a cell phone. The operation of the equipment is based on capturing words registered in a database, which, after digital signal processing, are converted into a language that is interpreted by a module connected to a microcontroller. After the data is interpreted, the microcontroller is responsible for sending the signals to the outputs, causing the home electronics to be activated.