Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
"Guia Antiditadura": a construção de um material paradidático de divulgação científica
Cezar, Kristhel de Lima
In this experimental project, the proposal was to produce a paradidactic material for scientific dissemination about the Civil-Military Dictatorship in Brazil. The material was created through a bibliographic review, searching in the historiography of the period studied for references to produce the content. The main objective of the Guia Antiditadura is to contribute to the construction of social memory about the dictatorial period, by deconstructing myths and fallacies about the theme. This work brings discussions about dispute and construction of social memory, about the importance of scientific dissemination and the role of the communication professional in this medium. In addition, there is an experience report justifying the choices made for the elaboration of the product and how the creative process was.