Percepção de crianças e adolecentes em tratamento oncológico sobre a hospitalização
Souza, Raíra Lopes Amaral de
Introduction: Cancer is a group of several diseases having in common the uncontrolled
proliferation of abnormal cells and can occur anywhere in the body. Currently, cancer is
considered a public health issue, and when it occurs in children and adolescents it presents
several peculiarities that impact on their quality of life and depends on the care of several
nuclei and professional fields. Objective: To know the perception of children and adolescents
in oncological treatment of hospitalization. Methodology: This is a qualitative research paper,
of descriptive-exploratory type that uses the semi-structured interview mediated by the
drawing technique for the production of the data. The data collection took place from May to
November 2018. For the analysis of the data coming from this research, we used the thematic
and inductive analysis. The Resolutions of the Research Ethics Committee were respected and
obtained approval under number of opinion CAAE 857746.8.0000 5346. Results: Three
categories emerged: The professional communication with the hospitalized child and
adolescent, social isolation during the hospitalization process and the importance of play
activities during the hospitalization. Final considerations: We suggest the implementation of
public policies, such as the National Humanization Policy and the principles of palliative care
for caring qualification and the permanent education of professionals who treat these children
and adolescents.