Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Yoga e Psicologia Analítica: entrecruzamentos na busca pelo si-mesmo
Roeber, Juliana Martins
This paper presents a reflection about the contribution possibilities of the philosophy and practice of yoga in the therapeutic process of the western individual. For this, a bibliographical research was conducted, in order to elucidate the theoretical bases of analytical psychology and the fundamentals of yoga philosophy. Based on this, it follows a discussion about the differences between the Western and Eastern minds and the possible consequences of the transposition of a distant culture to the current Western society. The results obtained demonstrate that there is a considerable difference between the eastern and western psyche, requiring an adaptation to the way of understanding and practicing yoga in the west. However, it was also concluded that the different way of looking at reality, arising from the yoga philosophy, can be an important tool for the awareness of unconscious contents, contributing to the analytical process and also to self-knowledge in general.