Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
A iluminação cênica na estética pós-dramática: entre a criação da cena e o ensino do teatro
Wiersbitzki, Pâmela da Silva
The present research has as its theme the scenic lighting in the context of the
post-dramatic. Its objective is to analyze the artistic possibilities and
artistic-pedagogical with scenic lighting, specifically with
alternative scenic, in the creation of the scene and in the teaching of theater, through the
experiences as an illuminator in the montage Before speaking, one no longer hears and how
teacher-illuminator in the internship project Creative approaches with scenic light,
The autonomy of lighting stands out as a possible methodology for the
construction of the scenic language, expanding the understanding of the illuminator's craft
scenic, generally characterized only by the technique involved in its realization.
It investigates how the technique and practice of scenic lighting are articulated with the
theatrical practice and theater teaching practices in the exercise and development of
artistic language.