dc.contributorCabral, Sara Regina Scotta
dc.contributorPinton, Francieli Matzenbacher
dc.contributorFlorencio, Jane Aparecida
dc.contributorSilva, Renato Caixeta da
dc.contributorSilva, Wagner Rodrigues
dc.creatorChagas, Nédilã Espindola
dc.description.abstractIn the Brazilian educational system, the teacher is a professional who monitors the development of students from childhood, in elementary school, to adolescence, in high school. The Portuguese language teacher is highlighted, in this context, for being the professional whose workload for his/her subject tends to be higher than the others. Given the protagonism that teachers play in the school environment, it is relevant to raise propositions about which self-representations are built for these professionals both in school and in society. Therefore, this work aims to conduct a semantic-discursive analysis on the representations for teachers in the area of Languages in public and private schools in the center of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Thus, I take as theoretical presupposition the Systemic Functional Linguistics, basing my analysis on the Systemic-Functional Grammar of Halliday and Matthiessen (2014), more specifically through the transitivity system, which performs the ideational metafunction. I am also based on Critical Discourse Analysis, in which discourses are ways of representing aspects of the world and they contribute to the construction of social identities and subject positions (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001). I also consider the recontextualization of social actors (VAN LEEUWEN, 2008), which understands that social practices are regulated ways of doing things and need a set of participants in certain functions for them to occur. In addition, I take as theoretical support, researchers in the field of education such as Saviani (2009), Tardif (2002), Nóvoa (1992). The research was carried out by applying an interview to public and private teachers in the central region of RS. In general, the results of the analyses revealed that the teacher is in a discredited and socially poorly constituted professional condition, in addition to a very mistaken view on the part of society in relation to the teacher's role, a situation that they believe is possible to improve through appreciation by the educational and governmental institutions and their own professional improvement.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Letras
dc.publisherCentro de Artes e Letras
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectGramática sistêmico-funcional
dc.subjectProfessor de língua portuguesa
dc.subjectAtores sociais
dc.subjectProfissão docente
dc.subjectSystemic-functional grammar
dc.subjectPortuguese language teacher
dc.subjectSocial actors
dc.subjectTeaching profession
dc.titleO ator social professor de língua portuguesa: uma abordagem sistêmico-funcional

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