Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Representação gráfica de documentos XML
Zanella, Matheus Koehler
XML is widely used for storing and exchanging information. There are many factors that led to this widespread use, such as: it is a structured tag-based language, which facilitates its understanding and allows more consistent queries; it has mechanisms to ensure a suitable document structure and to guarantee the necessary information to be valid; it presents good compression rates due to the tags’ repetitive nature, among other factors. However, despite the XML is a well-structured language due to the size and number of tags that a document can have, it becomes difficult to understand the document structure. The objective of this work was to implement a tool to generate e visualize the graphical representation of an XML document. For this, the document structure was translated to a graph representation language, named DOT. Once this translation was done, the GraphViz toll was used to draw the graph composed by the structure of the XML file.