Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Inspeção do viaduto sobre o Vale do Menino Deus - estudo de caso
Augustin, Bruna
The objective of this research is to perform a routine inspection in a Special Pieces of Art, the Viaduct sobre o Vale do Menino Deus, located in the city of Santa Maria, RS, buil in 1957. In 1976, the structure needed of structural reinforcement and in 1996, the Gerber beams were reformed. This study was based on assumptions previously studied, addressing the typologies and the particulars of the SPAs, the inspection methods and analyzing previous renovations and inspections. The final evaluation of the viaduct was performed in two ways, under the perspective of NBR 9452:2016 (ABNT) and by the Manual de Inspeção de Pontes Rodoviárias (DNIT), concluding with a comparation between the both methods. The case study was carried through visual inspection performed only on one viaduct side, between the pillars P1 and P5, because the access on the other side wasn’t viable. The inspection include a photographic report and analyzes the possible pathological manifestations found at the structure, then, was realised an evaluation of the viaduct classification proposed by the used methods. It was concluded that the OAE needs maintenance and one special inspection for better end of the problems found.