Brasil | Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
dc.contributorFlores, Maria Luiza Rodrigues
dc.creatorValente, Fernanda Branco
dc.description.abstractThe work is a result of a Postgraduate Course in Educational Management offered for the Federal University of Santa Maria in Rio Grande do Sul. The study had as subject the formation of the teachers that complete the Course of Pedagogy for the performance as pertaining to school manager. The problematic that gave the origin to the study was: ”Are teachers that completed the Course of Pedagogy formed from the validity of the new National Curricular Lines of direction for these Course (Resolution 01/06 of the National Advice of Education) equally qualified to work as a teacher and in the school management?” The study presents and it analyzes results of a field research that is justified in a present time because of the quarrel concerning the formation of the teacher from Courses of Pedagogy and also by the personal interest in the subject of the searcher, a pedagogue formed from this new line of direction for curricular organization. The general objective of the study was to investigate if the teachers that conclude the Course of Pedagogy after the effective resume from Resolution 01/2006 are considered equally able to act in such a way like a teacher and also in the educational management field. The specific objectives of the study had been: (1) to investigate if Resolution 01/06 present the necessary know ledges and opportunities of formation in such a way to qualify the future professors for the teaching as for the management of school establishments; (2) if the pedagogues formed from the validity of Resolution 01/06 had lived deeply in its resumes knowledge, experiences and chances, of form the one that if considers qualified for performance in the teaching work and the management of the educational establishments. The theoretical bases of the study are about the following subjects: Educational management, (PARO, 2001; LÜCK, 2006) and Curricular Lines of direction for the courses of Pedagogy (Resolution 01/06 of the National Advice of Education; GATTI, 2009; BRZEZINSKI, 1996; 1999; 2007). To carry through the research, the used methodology was a research of field in the area of the education, inside of a qualitative boarding (LÜDKE, 1986). The procedures used for collection of data had included bibliographical research and application of questionnaires with three pedagogues that conclude their courses of Pedagogy by the current National Curricular Lines of direction for these courses (GIL, 2002). From the analyzed data, was evidenced that most of the interviewed ones considered insufficient the specific situations experienced in the current courses of Pedagogy for someone work as an educational management.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectGestão educacional
dc.subjectFormação de professores
dc.subjectCurrículo do curso de pedagogia
dc.subjectEducational management
dc.subjectEducational policies
dc.subjectCurriculum of pedagogy course
dc.titleO pedagogo como gestor
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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