Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Sistema de controle de iluminação inteligente
Ceolin, Gustavo
This study presents the implementation of a lighting control systems of incandescent lamps. We have developed a device composed by a NodeMCU microcontroller, an illumination sensor, and a TRIAC, which can control the brightness of a lamp by controlling the TRIAC firing angle. The proposed system allows remote monitoring and lighting management of a place, through a system that drives and controls the brightness of a lamp. The user will be able to adjust the brightness of the lamp manually, through a developed Android application, or activate the automatic mode, which allows you to specify the amount of illumination desired in the environment. In the automatic mode, the NodeMCU microcontroller will detect the brightness of its surroundings by TEMT6000 Light Sensor and together with a PI control system will set the ideal brightness for the lamp. This energy-efficient systems provide a constant illumination intensity, allowed greater comfort and reducing energy usage.