Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise de transferência de ondulação de baixa frequência para os conversores SEPIC e ZETA para drivers de led
Spannemberg Júnior, Rudimar
This paper presents the design, simulation and development of two topologies for
converters with the objective of developing a mathematical analysis describing the behavior
of the low frequency ripple transfer between the voltage variation in the bus for the current
variation in the LEDs. The topologies selected for study are the SEPIC (Single Ended Primary
Inductance Converter) converter and the ZETA converter, both operating in discontinuous
mode (DCM), since both have not been explored in this respect at the present time. The
analysis between the converters is designed to be used in integration between the PFC (Power
Factor Control) + PC (Power Control) focusing on the PC stage, with a single control loop
responsible for controlling the output current in order to reduce the required bus capacitance
and consequently compatibility with the recommendations of IEEE Std 1789-2015 to mitigate
the effects of flicker. Since the maximum allowable ripple to avoid any biological hazards any
biological hazards is 19.2%, the SEPIC allows bus voltage ripple values of up to 10,5%, while
the ZETA converter allows values of up to 9,6% for the selected LED (Light Emitting Diode)
tubular lamp.