dc.contributorCosta, Joacir Marques da
dc.creatorSchunemann, Rogério
dc.description.abstractDistance Education (DE) offers possibilities for new educational and social practices due to its characteristics and its way of organizing the training processes and the teaching-learning dynamics. Thus, Federal Universities offer their distance courses through the UniversIDADE Aberta do Brasil (UAB) program in centers called Polos, which are structured to meet the needs and provide assistance to the courses offered. At the UAB / NH Polo, space must always be organized and consolidated by functional, agile and coherent practices and in compliance with the UAB System. In the management of higher education courses at the UAB level, some specific features should be carefully considered for their full performance, including the challenge of perceiving the actions promoted for effective education. Considering the consonance in the collaborative processes that are present among the subjects involved, this work instigates the possibility that the mechanisms of interconnectivity between physical and personal spaces can provide greater communication and agility in the processes of teaching learning. The objective of this work was to describe the understanding of the processes of interconcentivity in the educational management practices implemented at the UAB / NH Polo based on the principles of knowledge management and the concepts of network and collaboration. In the analysis it was possible to understand that it takes much more than just taking care of the infrastructures and logistics of the in-class activities of each course, but also taking care of the well-being of the students, teachers and tutors who use the space. It was noticed that the production of knowledge at the UAB / NH Polo is being possible and facilitated as a result of the devices created so that the different groups that circulate in the pole can connect and form combined structures of communication in favor of the knowledge and learning of all involved.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectPolo UAB
dc.subjectGestão educacional
dc.subjectEducational management
dc.titleA interconectividade para o desenvolvimento de atividades nos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação no polo da Universidade Aberta em Novo Hamburgo/RS
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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