Projeto e análise de observadores adaptativos aplicados ao controle sensorless de máquinas síncronas de ímãs permanentes
Volpato Filho, Cesar José
This master dissertation presents contributions to the study, development, and design
of adaptive observers applied to the estimation of rotor speed of permanentes magnet
synchronous machines. The rst proposed technique is applied for super cial permanent
magnet synchronous machines. The estimation method is divided in two observers, a
disturbance and an adaptative one. The disturbance observer is used for extraction of the
counter-electromotive force and avoid undesired nonlinearities in the adaptive observer
design. Rotor speed is estimated by an adaptative observer. For the second method, a
full-state adaptive observer is used for speed estimation of interior permanent magnet
synchronous machines. Both methods are based on the linear model of the permanent
magnet synchronous machine in stationary reference frame. The feedback and adaptive
gains are designed considering the state observer and the adaptive algorithm together in
state space form. The rotor speed estimator time response is obtained in relation with
the system eigenvalues in close-loop. Proper observer pole placement is discused aiming
sensorless close-loop control. Simulation and experimental results are presented and the
adaptative observers are avaliated in terms of machine speed and position estimation,
validating the proposed techniques.