Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Moda de rua em Santa Maria
16-12-15Registro en:
DOS SANTOS, L. L. Moda de rua em Santa Maria. 2016. 81 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Publicidade e Propaganda) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2016.
Santos, Leonardo de Lima dos
The style is constantly related to the well-being, the way of life, and the current fashionable characteristics of Santa Maria Street. It is in the streets that one can observe the most diverse styles and elements that compose the street style, and a photograph is the means that allows to show how the most diverse styles of dress are being used in the streets of Santa Maria. With this, the work seeks to verify through photography to other types of styles, record and show through photography how people are dressing the streets, analyze the elements of style and verify a constitution of the identity of the street style. Taking as a starting point the concept of Photography by David Gibson, Identity and difference concept by Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, and fashion concept by Denise Pollini and Erika Palomino. From the images produced in the streets, and as analyzes of the photographs, it is a positive note of a street model, which is not a model made from a single element or from a single mark present in the streets, but A Street style building is made from two different styles, features and elements that are circulating in the streets of Santa Maria.