Avaliação do desempenho de iluminação natural no protótipo de casa popular eficiente da UFSM
Souza, Matheus Cargnelutti de
The Brazilian population observed a possibility of credit concession for civil
construction, not long time ago, due to Minha Casa Minha vida program. In
opposition to this high demand of popular housing there are constructive techniques
which are outdated concerning the quality of the built environment and the powerful
efficiency of the new structures. Thus, in December 2013, it was introduced a
prototype of a sustainable house in Centro de Eventos da Universidade Federal de
Santa Maria (UFSM), and it was developed from the project of Casa Popular
Eficiente, in a partnership between these institutions; UFSM and Universidade
Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA). This dissertation originated with the purpose of
evaluating the luminous performance of this prototype. Through the white paper
method, it was accomplished mediations with portable Lux Meter in 260 reflected
illuminance spots in order to obtain the reflectance of internal surfaces inside the
buildings. It was used the program Rhinoceros with the plugin Diva installed in its
environment. Hence, applying 1.240 sensors virtually inside the prototype, dynamics
parameters of natural illuminance behavior were evaluated by performance tests
based on NBR 15.575-1 and IESNA indicators. The prototype was also evaluated by
prescriptive methods and simulation for the natural illuminance of RTQ-R. Some
simulations with the change of reflectance levels in some prototype surfaces were
performed. The main results are that the prototype fulfills dynamically the minimum,
intermediate and superior illuminance requirements of NBR 15.575-1 natural
illuminance. Hence, during the evaluation by the RTQ-R all the environments with
extended permanence and the kitchen / laundry room satisfy dynamically the
simulation requirements, as well as, the prescriptive test about the depth
environments with natural illuminance originating from sideway opening. However,
the prototype does not meet the requirements of the minimum level of 60% ceiling
reflectance and only the kitchen / laundry room fulfills the minimum of 12, 5% floor
area designed for the opening of the access of natural illuminance into the prototype.
Therefore, the PCPE had a good result in the performance evaluation of natural
illuminance, however the compact sizing which presents itself because it refers to a
social interest habitation (habitação de interesse social - HIS), and the presence of
low rates of reflectance indicates the possibility of an improvement in the established
standards by the Brazilian rules regarding natural illuminance.