dc.contributorSantos, Samara Silva dos
dc.contributorPaiva, Ilana Lemos de
dc.contributorZappe, Jana Gonçalves
dc.creatorMachado, Bianca Zanchi
dc.description.abstractThe performance of psychology in social policies has been discussed in recent years due to the increased possibilities of work in these áreas. However, the Socio-Educational Policy is still recent and is part of the academic formation of the psychologist in an incipient way. It comes to ensure respect and promotion of rights for adolescents in conflict with the law. Thus, it is understood that it is important to know, analyze and socialize the practices that have been developed by the psychologists who are working in the field of socio-education as a way of collaborating with the advances and studies in the area. This study aims to know the understanding of psychologists working in the socio-educational system on the relation of socio-educational measures and the guarantee of the human rights of the users inserted therein. Six psychologists working with socio-educational measures in the open and closed means of a medium-sized municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Sul participated of the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, analyzed qualitatively by content analysis. The data showed that psychologists have often acted in different social policies. Although they did not have a training oriented to this type of work field, they have sought to develop skills and knowledge in their daily work. The practices developed by psychologists, although they maintain classic and known characteristics, also show concern about the guarantee of the rights of the population served and knowledge about the rights that must be guaranteed to them. It also discusses the structural difficulties and the confrontation of social prejudices and unfamiliarity, by society, about the realities of the phenomenon of violence committed by adolescents and the work of the psychologist. There is, therefore, the need to disseminate more realistic and contextualized information on the issue of the infraction committed by adolescents.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectMedidas socioeducativas
dc.subjectDireitos humanos
dc.subjectSocio-educational measures
dc.subjectHuman rights
dc.titleO sistema socioeducativo como garantidor dos direitos humanos: a visão do profissional psicólogo

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