dc.description.abstract | This article refers Sea inclusion of gay students in school, where the developed thematic lead to
reflect on whether what is working in schools leads to social inclusion, or sharpen somehow prejudice, bringing
rather than academic achievement, a discussion negative about the subject matter. The teaching of sociology in
high school helps inclusion of gay students in school? Sought to analyze how the reality in schools, the stimulus
used by teachers in their teaching methodology, the adventures found along the path, so you can keep a student
in aula.Como room to go to the inclusion, were in order equality, social justice, discipline, understanding the
school life of each student, because despite the school being a universe for everyone, each student lives in a
different world, with different cultures, religious and social beliefs that directly affect school performance and
the retention of students in school. It is at school that one can reflect, analyze and understand such social
standards and finding across studies and socialization, means to act in the face of different situations experienced
by people, providing opportunities to all involved in the educational process, social and political conditions in
order to constructing new perspectives and concrete actions, giving conditions so that even with all its
peculiarities, to experience inclusion with respect, dignity and social value. | |