dc.contributorOliveira, Valeska Maria Fortes de
dc.contributorQuadros, Ronice Muller de
dc.contributorBarcelos, Valdo Hermes de Lima
dc.creatorMiorando, Tania Micheline
dc.description.abstractThis is a work for a postgraduation course in education of The Federal University of Santa Maria, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The work describes an investigation carried out concerning two deaf teachers, their representations and meanings built through their experiences in school and during their professional training. The Social Imaginary is a theory, which permits an analysis of the existing reality and the alternatives of our society. This was the theory, which supported a closer look at the deaf education, selecting elements the deaf community demonstrates through its social representations. The two subjects of this investigation are leaders of the deaf community in the city of Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul. Both subjects were just beginning their professional training as teachers. The objective of this investigation was to recognize the teaching process the two deaf teachers would like to generate in a school, creating and innovating the educational scenery for deaf students. The most suitable method, taking advantage of the richness of the experiences of both teachers was the Oral History, which has permitted an analysis of their lives history as well as the belongings brought by them like pictures, tapes, news papers articles, notebooks and training ships reports. At the end of the investigation, it was noticed that the school which the deaf community dreams of building, counts with deaf professionals who make use, on their daily practice, of a curriculum favoring cultural and social features, conquered by the Deaf Movement. In this school, all professionals would be capable of using sign language, would be able to distinguish each student‟s reality during the evaluation process, also knowing the identity connecting them to the deaf community. As a final point, it is crucial to value a high quality education so that marginal conditions and analphabetism rates can be excluded from our society.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectFormação de professores
dc.subjectImaginário social
dc.titleA edificação da escola no espaço negado do sonho: um estudo na formação de professores surdos

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