dc.contributorPereira, Deividi da Silva
dc.creatorSomavilla, Eloísa Moura
dc.description.abstractOn highways, vertical and horizontal signaling is an important element to provide road safety for users, and in order to achieve its goal, it is essential that the retroreflectivity is at adequate levels for viewing. There are several factors influencing the performance of retroreflectivity on signs and demarcations, as well as different strategies for maintaining it by management agencies. In view of this, a systematic literature review was carried out based on the Proknow-C method on the subject. With this methodology, it was possible to select the most relevant articles in line with the topic of study published in the last two decades, and based on that, bibliometric and systemic analysis were carried out. This is still a little explored topic and the publications that exist come mainly from the most developed countries, that is, these conclusions cannot be considered representative and applicable globally. However, the concern with retroreflectivity in signs has been growing in recent years, especially with regard to the management and maintenance of this type of sign in favor of guaranteeing user safety and justifying investments in the area. Even so, it was possible to understand that in addition to the intrinsic signaling factors for its retroreflectivity, such as color and age, the extrinsic signaling factors are also relevant, such as the region's climate, traffic, and maintenance. Finally, we obtained a selection of relevant articles on the topic, the compilation of their conclusions and the record of this bibliographical review that can serve for future works on the topic under study.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Tecnologia
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectRevisão sistemática
dc.subjectSinalização vertical
dc.subjectDemarcação horizontal
dc.subjectSystematic review
dc.subjectVertical signaling
dc.subjectHorizontal demarcation
dc.titleRetrorrefletividade em sinalizações verticais e demarcações horizontais: uma revisão sistemática da literatura utilizando o método Proknow-C
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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