Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Dificuldades de aprendizagem de crianças na educação básica
Soares, Nelma Lúcia Torres Freire
The presented monograph portraies the difficulties of learning of children in the basic
education, having for objective to understand as the work with the pupil with deficit of
learning in the common school can be improved. For this, at a first moment, the
history of the education in Brazil was made a boarding going deep, breaking itself
later for the special concepts of educative necessities, presenting visões of authors
who deal with the subject specifically and, is finished with bibliographical research
that allows to show the basic education. Alusão becomes the pupils who if find in 2º
year of study and that they present learning difficulties, mainly of the reading and the
writing, being considered pupils with inferior cognitivo deficit to the too much pupils of
the classroom. This discovery depends on accompaniment of the professor, of the
adoption of strategies that they make possible to discover, through the evaluation,
the difficulty level that the child presents with regard to the reading and to the writing.
This deepening if materialize through a field work, having a concern in placing the
child ahead of its problem and following it knot meeting of the solutions, even for if to
need them when it is intended to observe its level of understanding while pupil. Also
the bibliographical research exists where if it searched to base in information
others, whose ideas had served of perfectioning to uncurl it of the work.