Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Propostas de requalificação viária da interseção das Ruas Saldanha Marinho e Ramiro Barcelos em Cachoeira do Sul, RS, Brasil
Meurer, Jardel Carpes
Urban intersections are points in the road network responsible for a large number of accidents and
travel delays. This work aims to suggest improvements in relation to circulation and road safety at the
intersection between Saldanha Marinho and Ramiro Barcelos streets in the city of Cachoeira do Sul. These
two roads are of great importance for the city’s road network. The work begins with a literature review
about transport systems and traffic engineering. Traffic counts were then carried out at the intersection to
rate it in relation to its current capacity using the method present in HCM 2010. The type of unsignalized
intersection suggested for the location through Swedish standards was also verified. With the same data,
the feasibility of implementing traffic light signaling through the methods suggested by MUTCD was
also consulted. It was found that the level of service of the Ramiro Barcelos approach is F and that
a signalized intersection is not justified, however an interconnection is recommended. Finally, general
suggestions and two less radical specific suggestions are made.