Análise do ambiente organizacional interno e sua relação na gestão de riscos organizacionais
Zavarise, Ana Paula Brum
The objective of this study was to identify the elements of the internal organizational
environment that influence the implementation of the university risk management and to
propose improvements. This is a quantitative survey of the type Survey, whose data collection
was performed through the use of an online questionnaire with the institution’s active servers.
A valid sample of 684 respondents was obtained, and the data were analyzed through
descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, mean difference tests, Pearson correlation and
regression analysis. The main results revealed that most of the surveyed servers (61.7%) believe
that the institutional strategic objectives are very general, and regarding the annual planning of
the sector, course or department, with specific objectives and targets to be achieved, 53.8%
stated that they perform "in part", 24.9% do not perform, and 21.3% carry out planning aimed
at sectoral objectives. As for the established factors for the internal organizational environment,
we obtained: Organizational culture; Relationship with management; Qualification
opportunity; Affective commitment and Collection at work. And the factors identified for the
management of organizational risks were Risk communication; Risk identification and
Standardization of procedures. Significant mean differences were identified for the "Have" and
"Don’t have a management position" groups for the Standardization of procedures factor. And
difference of significant means for the groups "Teachers" and "TAEs" in relation to the factor
Organizational culture. Regarding the respondents' perception of factors, we highlight the
correlations classified as very high between the factors Risk communication and general risk
management (0.907) and between risk identification and general risk management (0.901). And
the correlations considered high are risk communication and risk identification (0.811) and
between the factors organizational culture and relationship with management (0.741). As for
the influence that the perception of the internal organizational environment exerts on risk
management, the organizational culture independent variable that exerts greater positive
influence on the four models analyzed stands out. Finally, it is observed that there are factors
of the internal organizational environment that influence the management of organizational
risks of the university.